Your first step toward optimal reproductive health.
We support you through the process of learning to chart your cycles.
Together we evaluate your patterns and look for signs of health, as well as imbalance. These indicators can help identify the root cause(s) of reproductive issues such as infertility, repetitive miscarriage, PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, and many more.
Want to learn more?
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Want to know how this all works & what you should expect? We walk you through the process here.
Want to know how this all works & what you should expect? We walk you through the process here.
visit our Blog
Learn about charting your menstrual cycle, evaluating health, & improving fertility.
current clients
This is where you can make appointments, find resources & referrals, as well as request additional supplies.
“Megan was very welcoming and understanding of what we were going through. She was patient with all our questions and concerns. She would work with our schedules so we could find a time that worked to skype as we both have different schedules plus a 2 hour time difference.”