So how does this all work?
We teach you to chart.
What do we do for you?
Provide private, individualized follow-ups
Help you identify times of fertility and infertility
Help you develop confidence and accuracy in your observations & charting
Evaluate your chart for biomarkers - signs of imbalance that point to underlying issues &, if needed, we connect you with a NaPro provider to begin the process of diagnosing and treating medical issues
We support you as you go through any evaluation & treatment
who can benefit from creighton charting & napro care?
Couples who have experienced miscarriage(s) and want answers and prevention
Couples who have been labeled "unexplained infertility" or told their only option was IUI or IVF
Women who have reproductive issues such as PCOS, Endometriosis, and hormonal imbalance
Women who want help evaluating their cycles - length, mucus quality & quantity, and bleeding, amount other markers
Couples who are experiencing sub-fertility
Couples who want to identify times of fertility and infertility to plan or space pregnancies
what does the process look like?
You attend an intro session with a practitioner, online or in person, to learn the basics of the method (intro sessions generally last 1.5 to 2 hours)
You decide to learn the system, sign up for the program, and receive materials
You begin charting right away & meet with us 2 weeks after your intro
We continue to see each other often (every 2 weeks) in the first 2 months; then our sessions space out; view the schedule here
We continue to see you once a year, unless you need extra support, such as when you are post partum