About Restore FertilityCare Practitioners
Megan Faller, CFCP, MEd
Co-Founder: Director of Business Development
Menifee, CA & Long Distance
Megan has been a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner for 7 years. She went through FCP training in Phoenix, AZ in October 2010, and was drawn to the Creighton Model because of the hope it offers for infertility. She lives in Southwest Riverside County with her husband and two young sons.
*Megan is working with current clients only at this time.
Jeanette Pascua, CFCP
Co-Founder: Director of Outreach
Riverside, CA & Long Distance
Jeanette has personally used the Creighton Model system for over 11 years. She began teaching the Creighton Model 7 years ago after attending FCP training in Three Rivers, CA. Thanks to the loving support of her husband and 4 children, she has been able to work with women and couples to learn about their fertility.
In addition to teaching the Creighton Model, Jeanette speaks throughout the diocese of San Bernardino giving talks regarding marriage, natural family planning, Theology of the Body, and a variety of other topics.