What is CoQ10 (or CoenzymeQ10)?
A small molecule made by and found in cells of the body (including women's eggs) . It is an antioxidant that is also critical for energy production by our mitochondria; making energy in the form of ATP.
How does CoQ10 impact fertility?
As we age our mitochondria can become damaged and fail to produce energy as they once did. Having surges of energy at the correct times in the development of an egg ensure good egg quality and that the correct number of chromosomes are produced and organized. Energy is also needed to sustain the early growth of new life.
Who should take CoQ10?
Studies suggest that older moms (35+) and moms with low ovarian reserves might gain the most benefit from CoQ10 supplementation, but it may help to increase egg quality for all women.
What kind of CoQ10 to take and how often?
Ubiquinol is recommended over ubiquinone, which is not easily absorbed; it may say "active antioxidant form" or "reduced form" on the bottle. Depending on age and health a dosage of 100- 300 mg a day should be taken with a meal earlier in the day as it can increase energy and interfere with sleep if taken later. If time allows, you may want to begin taking CoQ10 up to 4 to 6 months prior to conception.
You can read more about CoQ10 and other fertility helpers in It Starts with the Egg by Rebecca Fett.
*Please consult a doctor prior to starting an supplementation.